Cuppa is agnostic about which inversion of control container you happen to be using.
As such, Cuppa provides a hook to allow you to customise how your test classes are instantiated.
To use Guice, you need to write a class that implements ConfigurationProvider
and sets the class instantiator:
package com.example;
import org.forgerock.cuppa.ConfigurationProvider;
public final class MyConfigurationProvider implements ConfigurationProvider {
public void configure(Configuration configuration) {
// Setup Guice as needed...
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new MyModule());
Cuppa uses a ServiceLoader to find the
configuration provider.
Hence, you need to provide a configuration file called META-INF/services/org.forgerock.cuppa.ConfigurationProvider
that contains the fully-qualified class name of your class:
Ensure that this file is on the classpath when running Cuppa.